martes, 26 de junio de 2012

Memory is for me something that allows us not to forget. It is important for us to remember, because that is the only way of avoiding another fact like this one. We as a country need to have this event in our memory to protect our population from this to happen again. We need to clarify every case of D.D. Even though I think it would be really hard to clarify all of them. Chile should learn that It society has to be more alert and protective with every fact which can be a manifestation of another violation of human rights. Of course I believe in human rights, they should always be the base of every society and even the whole world.  

1-      My first impression of the museum was really strong, because there are pictures, books etc. that remember painful facts to a group of people.
2-      In my own perception, memory is the ability of remembering something, important or not.
3-      Collective memory is important for me, especially because I’m going to be a teacher. However, I think that we have to be careful with what we consider as important to be remember, how we pass on the information to the next generation, and which information is worth to pass on and which not.                                                                                                                                                                          My feelings and thoughts after the visit are really confusing because I really don´t know what to think now. I also feel more curious about the topic ant the period of time before that this happened.
4-      Actually, two videos called my attention. It was the one of the speech of the commanders of the army. I felt like they were very decided and also they used very strong words when they refer to their decision. And the second one was the one of Allende, before his death. It reflected sadness and proud of the country before the military uprising. Also it didn´t reflected fear, considering that he was about to suicide.
5-      I think that for me it was a neutral experience, because it was a way to materialize something that I heard many times before. 

jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

Dear reader
I´ll tell you about the time that I got to Santiago. I used to live in Temuco with my grandparents. My mother was living here already. It was really hard for us to be apart, because I was only five years old.

When I came here, my first house was located in a very quiet neighborhood. There, I met my best friends. My school was really nice and I felt comfortable immediately. Santiago was for me something really impressive, noisy and huge. I missed Temuco and my family at first. But then I realized how happy me and my mom were.
Best regards

                                       Camila Contreras

martes, 12 de junio de 2012

Making a connection between the short story and capitalism, we could see how this economical system turns people´s lives into a constant struggle of having more economical resources. Jane felt uncomfortable, because she was buying very little things, but this was because she lived by herself. She thought that people would see her as a lonely person and they would know how she is only because of her buying. If we look this situation in bigger terms, we can infer how the quantity and quality define who I am and how valuable I am.
In Prof. Sicius conference he told us that a young man at the beginning has little money and he started to invest more and more to raise his amount of money. But, do people really needed ton increase so much his money? Capitalism makes us think that we need more to live just with their offers, as Jane thought that she could need a bigger salad cream.
Jane thoughts can be considered as countries thoughts “maybe if we as a country concentrate all goods, other countries would think that we are developed nations” and this points of view in a society create the perfect environment to develop capitalism. 

jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

                      End of the unit 

In the whole unit we learned about different cultures, their beliefs, myths about their origins and points of view about abortion.  I´ve never put attention before to some other cultures that close, especially Indian. There are many differences between Buddhists and our culture.                                                                                                                                Their religions are very different from ours. First, polytheism, they have different deities and each one has a different functions. Most of us believe in one god who created and control everything. They believe in reincarnation that´s why they don´t care if they are poor now. Catholics are used to think that our life will be one for eternity.                                                                                                        Abortion they condemn it too, but one of the reasons it´s karma and here it´s most for a moral thing.                                                                                                                                                                                     
Talking about origins, Celts are a much older culture than ours. They were conquest many times and started to be a civilization very soon.  Instead of us, we were conquest just once and it was hard to be a civilization.                                                                                                                             Through those activities I realized that even if their beliefs are interesting it´s hard for me to imagine believing in the same. Maybe it is because I grew up in a very different culture or an educational thing.  

lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

Ra was the creator, his power layed on his name. Also, he was the first pharaon of Egypt. For this he made himself man and as every man he had to grow old. Egyptians were happy because there was peace and plenty. Nilo was always leaving a rich coat of mud which made sure of fine crops.  The first day of the world Rah said "I am Khepera at the dawn, Ra at noon, and Tum in the evening," and as he said it the sun was rising in the east and crossing the sky and setting in the west.  But the people of Egypt rebelled against Ra and they were preparing evil things against his divine majesty. Those actions were caused by Apophis, the Dragon of Evil. Instead of sending the Eye of Death which was supposed to turn Egypt into a desert and to disappear mankind he created Sekhmet. It was a huge lioness, when it tasted human blood started to kill every human on Egypt. So Ra in order to stop it put red ochre on the beer to make it look like blood and the will sleep for a while, turning Sekhmet into Hathor the Lady of Love. Nowadays in the first day of the year they celebrate the festival in honor of Hathor and the priestesses of Elephantiné have to drink the red beer of Heliopolis. Now the world has love which is a new delight and a new pain.

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

Hills like white elephants is a story about a conversation between a men and a girl who is about to have an abortion. Everything it´s explained in an implicit way or symbolism.                                                                                At the beginning it´s hard to get the main idea but once you get it it´s very interesting.

The video showed the story of Sidharta.  A man who had everything but when he discovered human pain and suffer, he left it.  Also, it showed different perceptions and explanations about Buddhism. It was boring but it clarified some concepts. It made me understood the short story a bit more.   

 At the exhibit we saw the most important elements and some history of Indian culture and religions. It showed deities, demons and natural beings. Their meanings and importance were explained. It was impressive to see how different our religions and believes are. The sculptures were gorgeous and kind of weird.  

Buddhists doesn´t approve abortion even though on their countries this is a common practice. The main concern of having an abortion is karma. Abortion is mainly used as a birth control method. It is hard thinking that if they had better methods this dangerous practice would not be that common.

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

·         Barcelona is located in Cataluña
·         Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain
·         Was founded by the Carthaginians in 250 bc.
·         It was invaded by the Visigoths and the Muslims.
·         In 1992 Olympic games were held in Barcelona
·         One of the most popular places in Barcelona is The Sagrada Familia´s church which has been under construction since 1822.
·         Gaudi´s architecture is all over Barcelona.
·         It is also a polemic  city because  is one of the most nationalist and independent of the country.
·         “The Sardana” is a typical Catalan dance which is a symbol of unit and pride.
·         Paella is one of the most traditional foods in Barcelona.
·         Montseny Natural Park is 40 kilometers from Barcelona, in Catalunya is the only one that has been declared as a Biosphere reserve by the UNESCO.
·         Las Ramblas is Barcelona's most famous street. Because of the shows, performers and attractive architecture
·         Tibidabo is a mountain in the north of the city with an awesome view
·         Montjuic is a hill located in the south-west of Barcelona , there is National art gallery, Olympic Stadium and Joan Miro foundation
·         Park Güell, is another famous  Gaudi's work  with stone and ceramic monuments and eccentric shapes that remind of elements in nature.
·         There are some nice beaches like La Mar Bella or la Barceloneta.
·           In 2004 it hosted the Forum of cultures, was  a successful international event focused  on culture and arts.
·         It has one of the largest aquariums in the world, its 80-metre glass tunnel you will be able to watch from close the sea life of the Mediterranean.
·         Trains are a good option for travelling from Barcelona to other Spanish regions. The two main train stations in Barcelona are Estació de Sants and Estacio de França.
·         One of the most famous football club is here the Barça, which was created in 1899